Online writing jobs

Who can write who can read I think it all goes down to what is written. A play, novel, article it depends with the creativity of the writer. Being able to understand your audience is key and also trying to capture new audience is also important.
A writer goes down to write an article and as he is in his creative moment it gets bigger and writes a five page story but it does not end there the story gets sweeter and he writes a six hundred page novel. Creativity has no limit nor boundaries but it creates bridges that has never existedexisted.
For instance in the world of film and animation the producers and script writers live in a world of their own because everything has to be unique. Sometimes being creative one does not need to think so hard but use what is in the surrounding and make it great. Use the ordinary and make it extraordinary. 
How is it that babies are fascinated by small simple thingsthings, is because their mind see's them as great things. The key word to creativity is imagination. How high or how low can your mind take you. That is the determining factor.
Jesus Christ when he was on this sinful word he had to endure a lot of things. Adulterous people, theft, killing of innocent people and to top it all the burning flares from the hot sun. But that didn't make him give up instead he loved the people more and more but the people rejected him, only to realise what they had when he left this world. We possess great power in our lives which needs no key to unlock but to accept who we are and what we have whether big or small that is your possession. Grasp on it gladly and enjoy life.
