Everyone feels something inside of them. If you do it only proves you're alive. If you don't visit a doctor. Okay away from cheap advisory theory. Who Care's if you're black or white. I know red heads are probably smiling right now. But the most important is not what we see from the outside is what comes from the inside.
 I guess that's why they said don't judge a book by its cover. We use kilograms to measure weight but what can we use to measure a man's nobility or righteousness. Nothing! I came I saw I conquered that is a white man's saying but for struggling Africans is we came we were seen and conquered. Self respect is a must but respect for others is a choice.
 What is more appropriate living by your own rules and acting accordance with the law or just being you. Well last time I checked when I acted as me I found myself in a cell locked with some hairy guy who was always scratching his body. Is crazy that he was always happy and I noticed he enjoyed being in prison. So one day I asked him.
 And I was like "hey mate why smile every time" and he be like "haha haha ha in here life is easy mate. Haha ha free food, free bed, and you have tight security. Is not like the outside world where you can be robbed easilyeasily."
 For a second a stared at him then laughed almost for an hour. From that day both of us were always smiling as we had free food and provided with tight security.
